by RB | Mar 1, 2023 | Latest Updates
We are pleased to welcome Rene Glenn from Price’s Alarms to the Thorn Security team as Security Advisor. Rene comes to us with 10 years security alarm experience at Price’s Alarms and then a short period at Telus Custom Security Systems. Serving customers...
by RB | Feb 27, 2023 | Latest Updates
How security systems work isn’t rocket science, but providing real security which is effective requires a professional plan. An Alarm System consists of: A control panel (the brains of the system) A digital dialer A battery backup (which keeps it working for a...
by RB | Feb 23, 2023 | Latest Updates
Monitored smoke detectors provide 24/7 protection for the best in residential, real security! Every home has smoke detectors but monitored smoke detection is different. Regular smoke detectors in homes are meant to alert you of smoke so you get out of the house...
by RB | Jan 25, 2023 | Latest Updates
Is a wired security alarm better than a wireless security alarm? To know whether a wired security system is better depends on many factors. So let’s try to clear up some of the fog surrounding security alarm systems. We are not referring to camera systems but instead...
by jgatsi | Jan 17, 2021 | Latest Updates
COVID-19 Safety Protocols Safety and security is our business! COVID-19 concerns change depending on the week, the customer and existing health concerns. Thorn Security is responsible for your safety and is more than happy to meet your needs. Consultations are...
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